Zsuite helping banking industry prevent facility disruptions


The global business operations are reeling under everyday challenges, many of which refer to unexpected critical events. The ongoing crisis preceded by geopolitical crises or threatening events like pandemic impact operational efficiency  for organizations at different parts of the world. From supply chain disruptions and cyber attacks to system failure and employee safety threat, facility disruptions are a usual event that require leaders to take extra precaution and business continuity measurement.

Banking leaders also need to consider the scenario and ramp up their emergency response for operational resiliency in their facilities. In view of ongoing crises, or maybe the usual critical threats, facility disruptions are normal. Customer experience, however, is vital to maintaining brand loyalty, and long-term growth, which is susceptible to threats due to facility disruptions.

As a measurement of handling facility disruptions, banking leaders can use critical event management to anticipate, respond to, and mitigate threats. It is also critical for banking institutions to assess future threats and prepare for emergencies.

Proactive initiatives to encourage operations

Critical events can expose many critical operations to risks for banking facilities, bringing operation disruptions and affecting their bottom line.

Critical weather conditions, natural disasters, active shooters including fire can impede services at facilities. A situation that can damage assets, put employees at risk, and impact operations is unlikely to subside rapidly.

However, it is critical that other interconnected operations continue to support indirect and some crucial operations in stimulating financial services. Banking leaders are in need to utilize a plan that was prepared with stakeholders and assess the dependencies between vendor supply chain processes.

Activating the plan during a critical event calls for immediate response to decide and activate the plan for business continuity.

In addition, banks also decide which processes are significant to running and maintaining critical operations. The crisis communication tools are powerful assets for banking leaders to build a small war room or conference bridge, where key stakeholders, leaders, and people on-call can connect instantly to discuss strategy for business continuity. The facility in harm’s way which is unable to operate during emergencies like fire, floods, or hail storms can immediately know which part of the work process should go on so that customers' interactions and services should not discontinue.  Zsuite provides this ability to banking leaders during the critical event and streamlines their communication processes.

In case, leaders do not have any plan, historical data can be useful in identifying ways to mitigate any kind of further service disruptions that started with the unpredictable facility disruptions. Zsuite enables data harnessing by allowing business continuity leaders to look at different data points accessible through its embedded system. It is easy for them to analyze data and derive actionable insights that build data-driven decisions with shared views. This advanced AI-based CEM technology with its ability to provide end-to-end historical data saves them time to manage complex initiatives more efficiently. 

Determine impact with visual risk intelligence 


Visual risk intelligence is a powerful feature that uses AI to detect threats and improves visibility into what is happening or how situations are going to evolve.

With unpredictable weather events or natural disasters being highly vulnerable to erupt and disrupt, visual risk intelligence has unique capabilities to detect and alert on-call security personnel about the upcoming threats. A real-time threat alert that pulls feed from IoT connectivity helps them assess threat severity by allowing them to build a common operating picture using thousands of data points. By gaining a situational awareness and contextual lead, emergency responders can visualize risks to their assets, people, and processes.

They know how their operations are going to be affected by the disruptions. Based on the threat identification process, they know how to allocate resources to use in critical times so that their operations do not stop. Besides, it also allows them to move critical assets to other safe locations, in which they know their assets are safe and secure and accessible to operate later.

In addition to natural threats, Zsuite also helps with emergencies like man-made disasters or geopolitical issues. In the affected areas, where situations can become critical to run businesses, bank leaders can prepare a robust plan, which focuses on taking steps in managing supply chain operations and vendors. The plan can be more transparent to alert third-party suppliers or service providers about the next steps in improving resilience. 

Doing this, they can prepare themselves to survive in the global threat landscape, while getting better resources to respond to and lead ahead of potential threats. At the same time, being able to monitor the global situations through a single pane of glass, the impact of threats is less likely to be worse with an emergency response team looking at the situations proactively.


Build resilience and long-term operational goals

Businesses of all sizes and kind realized that emergency preparedness plans that they had did not match how the pandemic had happened and changed its course.

When situations are not favorable and impact the bottom line for banking institutions, a long-term goal might help. 

In fight against covid-related curbs or facility disruptions, Zsuite can help banking processes to be ceaseless and effective for overall economic development. 

Zsuite’s embedded feature that allows for an opt-in portal is a tool to keep track of the health status of each member. Starting from the vaccination drive and a proper scheduling of doses to keeping a watchful eye on the victims to alerting them for the next schedule, Zsuite works in sync with the company’s database and builds transparency to avoid complexity related to COVID restrictions. 

By allowing it to gather data from location intelligence, Zsuite rapidly makes it easy to trace disease, discover employees in harms’ way, and sends across emergency messages to keep operations running.

At different levels, Zsuite provides a massive volume of data, which is useful to derive insights from existing incident data and build a foolproof plan. By prioritizing resilience, organizations gain the ability to eliminate risks and avoid facility disruption failures. 

Critical events are evolving every moment. Having the right CEM tool, Zsuite means banking institutions can leverage a robust emergency preparedness tool to improve their response to business continuity. 

With visual risk intelligence, multi-modal crisis communications, Zsuite provides banking leaders with the ability to scale and mitigate risks at the earliest possible. As a result, before an incident turns into a grave situation, banks can handle the situations in real-time and promote cost-effectiveness. Overall, by protecting facility operations from probable threats, banking organizations are able to deliver excellent customer service, helping them build a long-term customer relationship, ensure profits, and build long-term sustainability. 

If your banking operations need to ensure uninterrupted business operations in facilities, Zsuite must feature in your existing IT infrastructure. 

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