Zapoj CEM inspires an effortless return to work or school.
Zapoj Critical Event Management or CEM strives to lessen the impact as aggravated by the rush to get back to the normal pattern of life as before. The COVID-19 pandemic is still unleashing its grudge with double the power to infect people and push them back to the standstill point.
Today, businesses, organizations, and schools are building new compliances so as to maintain new guidelines that elaborate on safety and precautionary measures to help reduce the spread of the infection. As people from these sectors are striving to reopen safely, they also need a powerful weapon to support the compliance requirements for monitoring vaccination and health status. Zapoj CEM orchestrates a network built on a powerful command center that uses risk intelligence, situational awareness, and epidemic capability in assisting the most crucial operational objectives every leader needs right at this time.
Fighting COVID-19 to achieve performance
Starting with schools, government organizations, and businesses- all they want is assurance for safety compliance, which must be well in place to keep everyone safe whosoever comes in contact with these establishments as well as ensuring employee wellness and health.
Integrated with the Epidemic tool, Zapoj CEM gives you a common operating picture through the Command Center. Its flexibility to pull in information in real-time helps you carry out COVID-19 tests and schedule vaccination for your employees.
If any potential exposure is found, you can take action well in advance, preventing your operations from being shut for a temporary period that can impact your productivity and scalability.
With COVID-19 testing, as well as vaccination, becoming more widespread, Zapoj with its expanded capability can ensure that you can easily cross-check with the vaccine status of individuals at your organizations and also track their health conditions in between the first and second dose and post-vaccination.

Two-way communication is an efficient way to build a database. Zapoj integrates into its alerting system- the power of geo-targeting capabilities that easily enables you to send map-based notifications to your employees, school children, and other officials by their specific geographic locations or zip codes if any vaccine or pandemic related emergency occurs. As you build up your database with contacts based on their locations, Zapoj CEM provides a faster way to draw a map on the command center and they appear as dots on the screen. During every step of the vaccine administration at work, if any emergency takes place, you can send out a targeted message without having to panic other people in the same facility. So, tracking is simply a message away, which is contextual and specific to people who really need it.
Customization is another great capability of Zapoj CEM which is flexible to tailor your message templates meant to target a specific group or skills at work locations. Individuals know who to reply back or ask a question when a certain query arises. Mass notifications here simplify sending and receiving messages end-to-end among large people, clarifying ambiguities, and laying the foundation that promotes a healthy work culture.
Moving forward, Zapoj is a CEM tool we need to strengthen the compliance to maintain vaccine management, supply chain accountability, and employee management.
Built with risk intelligence and visualization, Zapoj CEM relays information in real-time via its Command Center where you can verify which of your employees has been administered with the vaccines, essential vaccine results of recipients, and also health status, including fever, temperature among others.
As the vaccine is administered, the individual would receive an SMS that verifies its credibility. Besides this traditional method, Zapoj escalates messages in different regional languages and delivers via multi-channels including social media, voice calls, and even emails. It would be great that your organization can communicate in a flexible manner and encourage your people to share the information that has end-to-end data encryption, hence reducing the probability of rumor while building trust and credibility for your organization.
Contact tracing alerts

Now along with the vaccination, every data is crucial to keeping with the business resiliency.
As 100% vaccine efficacy is not established yet, the risks associated with vaccine side effects and resurgence of infection are highly likely. All crucial precautions- social distancing, health monitoring, reporting back ill healths, tracking victims- all remain unchanged for now. If we need to reopen, we must monitor every activity to avoid any cross-contamination of COVID-19 infections.
Zapoj CEM utilizes AI-based risk intelligence to ease the whole process of monitoring.
Offices, especially schools have tough managing sitting arrangements or routes critical to avoiding the high risk of exposure - close interactions or contaminations.
At the base of all things COVID-19, communication is crucial to mitigate interactions and avoid further risks. The reopening of the workplace or schools is putting emphasis on how we can track locations that are contaminated by a staff tested positive with the disease so that sanitation gets underway accurately and precisely.

Zapoj gives us dynamic capabilities of location awareness and visualization. Zapoj provides real-time monitoring of its people around a facility or within a building where contact contamination can become highly predominant. Given all possibilities, robust communication or contact tracing alerts are significantly getting information across to your people with ease and prevent them from being in touch with people who have been infected or come in contact with them.
We can achieve a broader level of visibility into which we can monitor movements, tracks, locations where employees, school children, or students enter. Based on the inputs we get from Zapoj, contact tracing alerts can be sent to people who have violated social distancing norms inadvertently. With transparent communication between our people, we can decide which places are sanitized or scheduled for sanitization. More so, we can design seating arrangements compliant with social distancing norms.
So when we communicate; managers, students, and employees will be able to know which locations they should avoid in the facility, reducing the probability of the spread of the disease, ensuring wellbeing for everyone while encouraging efficient performance at all levels.

Zapoj is a true leader in critical event management
, which gives significant value to the organization leaders, institute authorities, and everyone who is keen to reopen its facilities amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Using its situational awareness, location tracking, contact tracing, and communication capabilities, we can achieve a high level of accuracy, performance, and efficiency that helps us move forward.Are youprepared to handle critical events? Signup for free
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