Top Three Steps to Keeping Your Pharma Manufacturing Employees Safe - zapoj blog vectors

Top Three Steps to Keeping Your Pharma Manufacturing Employees Safe

Seeking to build safety monitoring into employee’s regular work routine, the pharma industry needs to employ a technology that integrates location intelligence to map fieldworkers, lone workers, or on-premise staff in the manufacturing site in real-time. When facing health hazards or other safety threats, an automated emergency notification system with two-way communication technology improves staff outreach and ensures safety with a focus on a robust recovery process. A critical event management platform like Zapoj provides modern AI technology to handle pharma manufacturing risks to ensure employee health and safety.

Facilitating situational awareness and emergency response

Facilitating situational awareness and emergency response - zapoj vectors

Pharma manufacturing plants including warehouse, distribution, and laboratory facilities have regular dealings with heavy machinery and equipment. During the manufacturing and production of drugs or other pharmaceutical products, chemical handling is a daily routine for workers. Pharma leaders must be mindful of manufacturing safety compliance and regulatory standards. Some critical fields for observation and maintenance involve laboratory safety precautions, chemical handling, risk assessment, and material safety assurance- emerging as the tough piece of workplace health safety management to handle.

Zapoj can enable leaders to use AI-driven critical event management technology to significantly drives the safety and health goals of their employees. Crisis communication provides effectiveness to comply with the worker health and safety guidelines.

Situational awareness increases visibility into every touchpoint by closely interacting with data. A real-time threat feed is an active source of information to know what’s happening around its plants and to its people. Chemical manufacturing can deploy situational awareness to monitor if there’s any chemical spill or safety risk from heavy machinery. Using an emergency alerting system, they can notify their employees of the risk and warn them of the evolving situations. As employees are dispersed widely across many of the manufacturing plants, employee outreach must be flexible and outright without having to worry about inefficiency in notification delivery. Location intelligence simplifies the process of identifying the right people in harm’s way and providing resources to accelerate the risk mitigation or evacuation process.

In addition, pharma needs to continually gather different layers of data points to assess risk. Zapoj CEM brings the flexibility of assessing historical data in line with a new set of data to define improvements and strengthen future threat capability.

A chemical spill is a usual incident in the manufacturing or laboratory settings, but it requires immediate attention to prevent its hazardous effects on employee health and safety. Exposure to biohazards, radioactive or inflammable compounds can choke and cause health injury. An automated notification reaches the responder to enable an immediate action to reduce its exposure or impact. Manufacturing leaders can therefore optimize situational awareness capability and location intelligence to detect the source of a chemical spill in real-time and automate a notification that prioritizes spill cleanup processes, helping build a safe workplace for employees.

Employee health screening and disease prevention Employee health screening and disease prevention - zapoj Critical Event Management vectors

Having ample resources to reduce the COVID-19 infectious disease outbreak or exposure has become mandatory for every industry, and pharma manufacturing is seeing this as a step to ensuring public health safety.

As is with the higher frequency proneness of the COVID-19 transmission, pharma can use visual risk intelligence to implement health screening for their employees or people working at different facilities. The opt-in health survey capability allows the staff to share health status or self-report symptoms or contact, and infection-related information with the emergency response team to proactively facilitate the isolation process and restrict transmission in the premises. The built-in contact base also keeps records of the staff with symptoms or temperature to track the health status and initiate a timely return to the workplace as per health guidelines.

Facility mapping scales at speed as the visual risk intelligence and location intelligence capabilities provide accuracy in mapping locations or spaces with a higher probability of infection tendency. So, real-time tracking and monitoring keep everyone informed of infection contact to immediately suggest sanitization of the particular location or site. The solution helps pharma understand the infection risk, evaluate its strategy to curb infection, and develop a safe and risk-free environment for a return to work and continue to achieve operational efficiency.

Real-time emergency notifications 

Real-time emergency notifications- zapoj Critical Event Management

With the ability to use real-time mass notifications on multi-modal channels, the emergency response team can achieve their mission to implement occupational work and health safety and security for their employees from the potential health risk from heavy machinery or factory equipment and exposure to threats like critical weather, fire, active shootout, or terrorism.

As location intelligence identifies people in danger, real-time mass notifications scale to support thousands of people with resources that can provide consistent messaging assistance and take them out of risk without confusing or panicking the others in the community. Real-time messaging, reminder capabilities with two-way messaging are robust to get across the right message until it is acknowledged. This enhanced capability helps pharma monitor and conduct safety operations for lone workers and many people working at the manufacturing site.

Zapoj Critical Event Management platform is built to give pharma manufacturing real-time threat mitigation capability.  By reducing the impact before critical events emerge to be affecting their operations for an indefinite period, pharma provides adequate resources and assistance to its people to keep them informed, safe and secure. As workforce or employee safety enables businesses to run efficiently and smoothly, Zapoj empowers pharma manufacturers to protect their people during any point of emergency, providing long-term sustainability and cost-effectiveness that improves ROI.

If you want to know more about Zapoj CEM or deploy it into your products, schedule a call to initiate a demo.

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