Zapoj prevents disruptions in high-tech facilities
High-tech experts had experienced a different story with the occurrence of the COVID-19. The magnitude of the disease impact that was unknown to everyone was a unique case of disruptor.
To quantify the level of risk with low-impact facility disruptions, traditional methods are effective. Facility disruptions like equipment breakdowns, delays in supply of raw materials, and so on could work well with the existing technology. Also, the historical data makes identifying the bottlenecks and challenges in future easier. But, high-impact disasters like hurricanes, pandemics, floods, major outages due to fires, and public unrest are uncertain and unpredictable. These events are no longer rare, however the traditional methods are not adept to reveal root causes from the limited historical data.
From the COVID-19 experiences, it is a well-known fact that not only small-scale businesses, but also high-tech industries were not prepared to handle the situations initially. Like many of its operation areas, facility management needed proactive approaches to restoring operations.
Besides COVID or any pandemic, today’s facility management needs AI/ML powered tools like Critical Event Management software to stay ahead of the critical events impacts. The mandatory need of restricting facility disruptions with immediate effect and encouraging operational continuity within a predefined budget gets potential support from CEM technologies like Zapoj.
Meet the challenges of facility disruptions
The idea is to adopt multi-disciplinary capabilities from CEM to manage people and assets, and to prevent the impact of disruptions to the ongoing business processes.
Making facilities management robust means stakeholders, partners, marketing leaderships can also support the growth of their technology partners as well as reshape the lives of the community.
Depending on the various disruption touchpoints, maintaining safe and operable conditions is a more pressing concern for facility managers. The disruption that deteriorates business value can amount to billions of dollars in lost revenues. However, using a CEM technology gives the facility managers the ability to respond and mitigate vulnerabilities to facility operations quickly.
Performance management and disaster handling
Field operations are central to high-tech development operations. Gaining real-time field activity data through location intelligence allows leaders to take data-driven decisions on the work progress. The operational efficiency on-site is also an integral part for continuous improvement. Tracking assets, people and processes both inside and outside helps visualize what is happening in real-time.
For a disaster like fire breakout, an emergency response team can help people stay compliant with the necessary safety measures using rapid communication and collaboration tools inside of the Zapoj CEM software. It is an incident which needs immediate data-driven decisions from top-level leadership so the team can optimize resources and drive better business continuity processes.

Also leaders can better prepare for high-impact events like hurricanes, floods, or earthquakes depending on significant real-time data they fetch through IoT-connected technologies embedded in Zapoj. They can visualize and predict how and when the situation will change its course or if it will unleash harsher impacts on their operations. Depending on the visualization of the real-time data, they move their assets to the safe place where they can avoid damage and keep their efficiency moving. In situations where a rapid process is critical to informing and protecting the workforce before, during and after, mass notification capabilities trigger automated notifications for people and processes
Automated digital workflows simplify the process of service restoration for high-tech leaders as they seek faster collaboration and crisis communication channels. Using smart orchestration technology, digital workflows can understand better how to react to the severity of incidents and escalate for the right people to take action. Without creating any response fatigue, the emergency response team can mitigate risks to assets, people and processes.
Continuous optimization of facility spaces
Facility leaders have one top priority to manage operational efficiency post back to work scenario. The COVID-19 pandemic control and safety compliance is key to providing an occupational safe workplace for people and community. Leaders and the management are aware that the high-tech facilities should restrict disease transmission by having end-to-end visibility across customer communication terminals or key business points.
Contact tracing which is key to uncovering valid data of people being affected gives accuracy with the identification of exact number of contacts including the spaces that are infected. Using CEM gives the facility management a quick opportunity to track the infected person including those who come in contact with him. The builtin location technology works with the contact center and collects data from opt-in surveys to find infected contacts and spaces to rapidly initiate isolation and sanitation procedures. So, the infected spaces have a speedier process for sanitization work. On the other hand, until the cleaning and disinfecting processes complete, leaders have excellent ways to utilize other facilities to continue their operations. This helps a high-performing facility unit keep out of shutdown for a longer period of time.
The world of information technology has evolved. Tools and technologies are also evolving to support rampant growth and scalability for high-tech industries. Provided the critical events are diverse and unpredictable, they also need advanced and modern cognitive analytics techniques to identify risks and efficient ways to mitigate their impacts.
Zapoj CEM provides the leading critical event management solutions which give high-tech leaders endless possibilities to react to the incidents or disasters in real-time and reduce mean time to respond. As a result, they are more engineered to empower their people, processes and technologies to react to multiple and different critical events actively.
From assessing risk data to escalating efficient response and mitigating risks to restoring the operations back to its normal state, Zapoj makes its wide variety of applications like Mass Notification, Communication and Collaboration, and IT Incident Management highly useful and beneficial for facility managers to use in real-time and tap into their potential in the most critical time. For leaders, stakeholders, and partners, Zapoj means cost-effectiveness and better ROI, while intensifying the process of facility management at scale.
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